Niki Hutchison’s

Now - 5th September

Get Visible This Summer

Because you have to be SEEN, to sell.

Can you say, hand on heart, that you’ve been doing everything possible to get more visible this year?

If not, then don’t panic, the Summer Visibility Sprint is here to help!

Simple to follow, no overwhelm and a dramatic increase in your visibility - what’s not to like?!

Sign up today and I’ll help you grow more engaged followers and make more money over summer - and beyond.

The best £39 you’ll spend this month!

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What is the Summer Visibility Sprint?

The Summer Visibility Sprint is a challenge running over 7 weeks (including two implementation weeks) with plenty of time, help and encouragement to complete all of the steps.

We will spend each week of the summer together inside our private, dedicated Facebook group and this is where you can join me for the five LIVE sessions which will help you understand what to do to become more visible in the ever-more competitive online space today.

Each session will be recorded and uploaded on the same day so if you miss one, don’t worry there will be plenty of opportunity to catch up.

The dedicated Facebook group is also where you can ask me questions throughout the Summer Sprint and meet lots of like-minded entrepreneurial women - and it’s highly likely you will also make sales (that’s what usually happens during my challenges).

Follow the steps in the Summer Sprint and I guarantee that you will bring in more clients, make more sales and understand exactly how to supercharge your business.

If you’ve ever wondered:

  • How can I be seen by more of my ideal clients?

  • How can I make more regular monthly income?

  • What does it really take to stand out and be seen online?

Then you need the Summer Visibility Sprint.

What to expect …

More eyes on your business, more interest in your offerings, more sales AND a super-friendly, like-minded community to call on for support and advice throughout the entire summer!

We’ll meet live every Tuesday (with a short break for two implementation weeks - when you can crack on with the action steps) and we’ll focus on the very specific areas you need to improve, to get the results you want.

You will learn …

Niki is generous and inspiring and you will learn huge amounts from her, as I have. She has helped me so much in my business journey and I cannot recommend her highly enough!!

May-King Tsang #FomoCreator

Why trust me?

Hi 👋 I’m Niki and I’m here to help women like you make more money.

I studied Business and Marketing Strategy to PostGraduate level before joining some of the biggest agencies in London and Edinburgh. With a brief segue into managing nightclubs - where I increased profit by 300% within a year in one of my venues (back in 2002 when I was 22 - no, you do the maths!) and hosted huge events like launch parties for thousands of people, fashion shows and the MTV Europe Music Awards Official After-show Party. 

Then it was back into agencies, working with clients including governments, national and international brands and organisations and seeing campaigns I had worked on out in the wild (there’s nothing quite like the eek! of seeing your strategy appearing on billboards and TV).

In 2012, I discovered the the joy of entrepreneurship - and now there’s no going back!

Since then I’ve helped thousands of small business owners as well as large organisations such as The NatWest Group, The Scottish Government and The UK Space Agency improve their marketing strategy and effectiveness.

Since increasing my visibility, I’ve enjoyed many opportunities including becoming a Digital Adviser for Enterprise Nation, a Global Ambassador for Adobe Express and I’m currently shortlisted for the Great British Entrepreneur Awards as Global Entrepreneur Of The Year 2023.

During the Summer Sprint I’m going to walk you through how to create your very own visibility strategy, that’s achievable and impactful.

Plus! It’s going to be a whole lot of fun. Your new business besties are waiting inside! 🏃‍♀️

Niki has never failed to impress me with how quickly and succinctly she can get to the crux of the matter and give you clear guidance on the steps you need to take.

My marketing has gone from ZERO to 100% in a matter of months and I am so proud of what she’s helped me achieve.

Whatever your business, whatever the marketing dilemma, Niki's skills, expertise and support are what you need.

Gemma Wood - The Moneyplanner

Do you know what people often say to me? ‘You’re everywhere!’

Actually, I’m not, but I AM in all of the right places to be found by my ideal clients, I make sure of it.

You’re never going to be able to reach your full potential if you don’t have a strategy. I’ve had the word strategy in my job title for over 20 years and love nothing more than helping entrepreneurial women like you become more visible so that you can make more money.

I’m on a mission to de-jargonize (totally a word!) the online space and make marketing simple and enjoyable.

I love sharing my experience and knowledge with entrepreneurial women like you. Why? Because I know I can help you!

Being visible has led to so many opportunities for me - opportunities that I’m going to help you enjoy too.

Sign up to join me and lots of other entrepreneurial women inside the Summer Visibility Sprint.

Niki is bloody brilliant at what she does and has seemingly endless knowledge and ideas!! Highly recommend working with her, however you can!! 

Siobhan Strode - This Sister Scribes

Summer Sales Sprint FAQ’s

Is it a monthly subscription?
No! It's a one-off bargain price of £39 inc VAT
When is the cut-off for joining?
This week! We start on Monday
What time on Tuesdays will the lives be?
8pm, I was planning to host them during the day but have realised this isn't going to work for you/ me due to school hols
Does it matter if you can't make it live as Tuesdays are a tricky day for me?
Nope! You will have 'lifetime access' to all replays once you have signed up

Does it matter what stage of business I’m at?

In a word, no! Whatever stage of business you’re at, getting visibile needs to be a key focus.

Will I get a return on my investment?

Yes, many times over - if you show up, join in and take action then you will get great results.

Will the Summer Sprint help with what I need to do to get seen?
Yes! That's exactly what it's designed for, getting your business in front of more of the right people

I've been hanging around your courses for over a year now, is this a good first course to buy from you?
Yes! It's affordable and you'll get lots of face time with me and online support from me, so you can discover what it's like to work with me at an extremely low cost.

Will I get any 1-2-1 time with Niki?

Summer Sales Sprint is a group challenge. It does not include 1-2-1 sessions unless you buy the additional 1-2-1 strategy session.

What type of businesses is Audience Growth Club for?

Audience Growth Club is for entrepreneurial women running independent businesses and motivated women working in marketing teams. This programme is not for Multi-Level Marketing or Network Marketing businesses.

The methods and content we cover are suitable for both service-based and product-based businesses. If you are driven and determined to grow a business with solid foundations that generates regular, sustainable income, this is the programme for you.

What is the refund policy?

As Summer Sales Sprint includes live delivery, no refunds are available.