Media Pack


Shortest Bio:

Niki Hutchison provides smart marketing solutions and actionable advice to entrepreneurs ready to enjoy growing an audience and building a profitable business online.

Short Bio:

Niki Hutchison has spent her career using marketing to grow businesses, both within ad agencies, then her own businesses and now running her own agency Enjoy Marketing®. She studied marketing and advertising to PostGraduate level, before joining the industry in 2001. Much has changed since then and she continues to keep her CPD up to date via online courses, programmes and memberships and her own community of online marketers. Niki has grown two six-figure businesses using organic marketing and is passionate about teaching other entrepreneurial women how to grow their audiences and businesses without paying for ads.

Longer Bio:

Niki Hutchison teaches entrepreneurs how to grow engaged audiences so that they can go from overlooked to fully booked®.

Following a career spent mainly as a Brand Strategist within advertising agencies, Niki started her first business in 2012, followed by her marketing business in 2017 because she is absolutely passionate about teaching women how to grow businesses that can support them financially.

Niki has been developing strategies to grow businesses for over twenty years, including over twelve years as an entrepreneur. She’s worked across multiple industries and has built two of her own businesses, in very different industries, so it’s safe to say that there are not too many business scenarios she hasn’t experienced!

Niki focuses on teaching women the jargon-free, tried and tested, marketing strategies that she’s used (and continues to use), to achieve big results, both within her own businesses and for her clients. Over the past 20 years, she’s worked with hundreds of women-led small businesses as well as corporate clients, government agencies and global brands, supporting them to grow and communicate with their audiences thus enabling them to deliver impactful marketing campaigns that drive results.

Niki has also built and continues to grow a thriving online community on Facebook, Instagram and on her podcast, the Audience Growth Podcast where she shares tips, delivers trainings, interviews guest experts on key business & marketing topics and provide a platform to support other women-led businesses. A new episode of the podcast is released every Friday at 7am.

Niki regularly delivers live trainings on digital marketing and entrepreneurship for communities and organisations including Google, Enterprise Nation and SHIFT (a partnership between the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, The Glasgow School of Art and Queen Margaret University).

In 2023 Niki was shortlisted for the Great British Entrepreneur Awards, as Global Entrepreneur of the Year and is regularly featured in marketing awards, industry lists, has been nominated for multiple Digital Women Awards and in 2022, three submissions for the Marketing Society Scotland’s STAR Awards, winning two Golds and one Silver for a global brand.

Interested in working with Niki? She would love to chat!

To discuss booking Niki to deliver a talk or training, to be a panelist or podcast guest, to guest blog or deliver any other type of content, please drop her an email.

Branding and Photos:

All photos and logos are only to be used with explicit permission from Niki Hutchison for promotional purposes only.

These can also be downloaded HERE

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