6 reasons why group programmes are ace

You’ve bought courses, you’re working hard to reach your goals…but it just feels like something is missing. And you’ve heard from your biz bestie that being on a group programme has worked wonders for their business. How do you know if this is the right path for you?

There are so many benefits to joining a group programme, from growing your business by working towards goals, to having your own personal cheerleading squad. But there are also tonnes of reasons why you should host them in your business too. From turning ad hoc customers into committed regulars, to increasing your monthly revenue - group programmes are fantastic.

I could go on, but I’m aware that you haven’t got all day to read this, so have tried to limit the length of this blog to just six reasons! So, if you’re thinking about hosting a group programme, or you think you might be ready to join one, read on…

Group programmes help you achieve success

Whatever success looks like to you, joining a group programme can help you achieve your goals. The accountability of your team means you’re less likely to procrastinate, question your decisions or double back on yourself. Throughout the time spent with your group, you’ll be setting yourself goals and they’ll want to see you succeed.

It might not be that success to you is financially oriented goals, it might be growing your audience, or up-levelling your leadership skills. But sharing your goals gives you a reason to persevere. You’re egging each other on.

Another part of this is that when you’re part of a group, success is like Covid-19. It’s highly contagious. Being surrounded by others who are striving for success drives you on. And it makes achieving your goals less scary. You see others doing well and think, “if they can do it, I can too!”

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Not everyone’s ready for 1-2-1

This one might not seem like a benefit, but bear with me! When you’re offering two levels of working with you, say, the odd workshop and coaching or mentoring on a 1-2-1 basis, those are quite the opposite ends of the spectrum in terms of commitment, intensity and cost. So maybe it’s time that you offered something in between?

Unlike working with a marketing strategist or a coach on a 1-2-1 basis, the investment and time commitment of a group programme is a little less intense. By offering another level, you’re opening up to a whole new audience who aren’t quite ready to have your eyes solely on them.

You want cheerleaders

Being part of a group programme means you get your own cheerleading squad. Every group programme I’ve ever taken part of, or run, has been incredibly supportive. The people taking part have cheered each other on and we’ve celebrated the small stuff as well as the big wins!

When you’re all part of something as special as a group programme, the experience is as unique as the people sharing that time together. Not a single one that I’ve either run or been a part of has been the same. Having a personal cheer squad at each stage of your entrepreneurial journey with is golden.

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You need a sounding board 

When you’re running your own business, it can be really hard to come up with ideas. And sometimes when you do have a flurry of inspiration, you’ve only got the dog - or maybe your partner - to bounce ideas off. What’s great about a group programme is that everyone asks you thought-provoking questions, gives really helpful advice and the relationships are reciprocal.

You give your feedback when they’re stuck, and they’ll be there to flesh out your ideas or just test the waters for a new idea! It works so well because you’re all invested in each others’ success and you want to be supportive.

Group growth

If you’re contemplating joining a group programme because you feel like it’s time to invest and grow your business, then that is awesome. Go you! Being part of one is a sure fire way to develop your ideas and go from strength to strength. But also when you invest in your business there’s a return on that investment.

You get much more than you put in, because you’re committing to something and want there to be a good return, but much of this comes from upping your game - reaching out to new audiences and getting better at marketing. The group grows together.

And when it comes to you running your own group programme because you want to expand your horizons, the dividends are great. You’re helping more people at one time, create a super-fan community around your business, and you exponentially increase your monthly revenue. It’s a win-win situation.

You’re ready for more

And finally, joining a group programme is for you if you’re ready to embody your future self. If you know that there’s something missing and you’ve been holding yourself back, then now is the time to take a leap of faith in yourself and your abilities.

You know you’re destined for something bigger, and being part of a group programme gives you the space you so desperately need to gain clarity around your goals, mapping out how you’ll achieve them. Booking onto a group programme is you giving yourself permission to work on your business, not just help others with the work you do. And we all need that. Carving dedicated time out each week to grow your business is a huge step and only you will know if you’re ready.

So are you Ready For More?

I hope you’ve now got a better grasp of what a group programme can offer your business - both joining one and running one!

I’m not sure if you’ve heard about Ready For More yet, but just in case…

Both Business Coach and my podcast co-host, Emma Dempsey and I are experienced in doing exactly this within our own businesses. We are now ready to get in your corner, help you get clear on your offering, your audience and how to implement your personalised marketing strategy so that you are ready to launch your very own online course or group programme by January 2021. 

We’ll be delivering modules fortnightly, with monthly group coaching calls to keep you on track, a Facebook community where you will get all of your questions answers AND bonus workshops covering Facebook Ads and a Tech Q&A so that there’s nothing stopping you from a successful launch. We can’t wait to champion you as you’re progressing through the steps towards bringing your offering to life!

Get in touch today if you think you might be a good fit. Doors close on Thursday 12th November.


Seven things group programmes have done for me (and could do for you too)


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