Four key things that make up high quality content

There’s a lot of talk about the need for constant content creation, but in reality, if you’re constantly churning out content purely to be consistent, then there’s a real danger that it won’t serve you as well as it might.

If you’re not being thoughtful and strategic with your content then it (and by association you and your business) simply won’t connect with your audience.

So what can you do to ensure you’re creating content that WILL serve your audience and your business? How can you get the most out of your investment of time and effort?

There are four important things to keep in mind:

Post with purpose

Make sure there’s a reason why you’re posting, beyond just showing up and being consistent. What do you want to share with your audience (and does it align with what they want to hear from you?). Will your content be the start of a journey for them, either of getting to know you and your business better or taking them one step closer to become a customer or fan? If not then have a rethink, it’s important to avoid just churning out content for the sake of it.

High quality visuals

Once you’ve decided on a relevant, engaging topic, it’s time to think about your images. High quality, original images are a must. Limit your use of stock images as much as possible. The aim is to create stand-out content, that’s as original as possible.

With the number of marketing messages we’re exposed to every single day now up to 10,000, it’s harder than ever to get noticed, original images (or video) can be hugely helpful in doing that job for you.

 Great quotesIf you’re using quotes (and I highly recommend this) then sprinkle them throughout your content. We’re human, we bore easily, so mix things up! I regularly post quotes on my Instagram account which is a great platform for shar…

 Great quotes

If you’re using quotes (and I highly recommend this) then sprinkle them throughout your content. We’re human, we bore easily, so mix things up! I regularly post quotes on my Instagram account which is a great platform for sharing inspiring, amusing or arresting content, but very rarely will I share a quote that’s not mine.

Original content is not only more interesting (as the viewer won’t have seen it before), it also gives you the opportunity to show off your creativity and build rapport – how often have you laughed, or felt closer to the person behind a business simply because they shared something you could relate to? Just last night I read out a funny, original quote to my husband and began following that account.

Engaging copy that sounds like you

Whether it’s short, snappy captions, or longer thought pieces, making sure your tone of voice is consistent is vital. You want people to get to know the real you and what they can expect from you. Sure you can surprise them from time to time, but you need to establish a consistent tone of voice if you want people to continue following your journey. The worst thing you can do for your brand and your business is stand for one thing one day, something else the next and that applies to copywriting too. Think about whether you want to be amusing, inspiring, challenging, supportive, whatever you choose, be consistent if you want to grow.

And don’t be afraid to let the real you come through. In fact, be afraid of being afraid of this! You want your audience to get to know, like and trust the real you and copy from the heart is a powerful way to achieve this.

How do you feel about the content you’re creating?

If you’d like my help to create more engaging content during the second quarter of 2020, content that will draw your customers in and take them much closer to buying from you, then my Guided Content Creation workshop is for you.

Perhaps you started 2020 with the best of intentions but have fallen off the wagon and are struggling to be consistent, or feel like you’re churning out content for content’s sake?

I’m finalising dates and will publish these very soon, sign up here to be the first to hear:


The secret to knowing your worth (& being able to charge it)


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