What is Combination Marketing?


According to the majority of facebook ads that pop up on my feed, the way to grow a six-figure business is to go all in with digital marketing (perhaps with a dollop of money mindset thrown in before you start). However, in my experience of growing my first business to beyond six figures, it’s the use of Combination Marketing that deserves the credit.

Schooled in traditional marketing (I have a PostGrad in Advertising and years of experience working in ad agencies), it seemed obvious to me that the way to grow a business was to use traditional marketing. Along the way, I’ve invested a ton of time (and money) in updating my skills to be able to understand and effectively use digital marketing. From day 1 of launching my first business I’ve developed a strategy that has included a combination of multiple marketing channels and techniques so when my clients ask me ‘what one thing should I be doing to grow my brand’, my response is that there is no one thing, it’s a Combination Marketing approach that will effective grow a sustainable business and brand.

So what does this actually look like?

I love to keep things simple and firmly believe that marketing should not be over-complicated. So the way I advocate using Combination Marketing is very straightforward, here are the steps I suggest you follow:

  1. Identify who you want to target, who’s your specific audience?

  2. Work out where they hang out (both on AND offline) – IMPORTANT STEP!

  3. Decide on your budget – what funds do you have available to invest in marketing your business?

  4. Select a mixture of digital and traditional/ on and offline marketing channels

  5. Test and learn

To download my Ultimate Small Business Marketing Plan that you can use to grow a profitable, sustainable business, click here.


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